ACOE | Army Corps of Engineers |
APWA | American Public Works Association |
AQMD | Air Quality Management District |
ASBS | Area of Special Biological Significance |
BIA | Building Industry Association |
BMP | Best Management Practices |
CASQA | California Stormwater Quality Association |
CDS | Continuous Deflector System |
CEQA | California Environmental Quality Act |
CIWMB | California Integrated Waste Management Board |
COG | Council of Governments |
CSD | L.A. County Sanitation Districts |
CWSMP | County Wide Stormwater Management Plan |
LACDHS | L.A. County Department of Health Services |
LACDPW | L.A. County Department of Public Works |
LACFCD | L.A. County Flood Control District |
NPDES | National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System |
NRDC | Natural Resources Defense Council |
RWQCB | Regional Water Quality Control Board |
SCAG | Southern California Association of Governments |
SCCWRP | Southern California Coastal Waters Research Project |
SUSMP | Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan |
SWPPP | Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan |
TMDL | Total Maximum Daily Load |
WMAP | Watershed Management Area Plan |