Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

I have a general question about re~using excavated soil.

I work as an environmental consultant to a company that operates gas pipelines in Los Angeles County. We routinely excavate soil from an active pipeline to perform maintenance to ensure the line is in good condition and no leaks are present. Most of the time the soil we excavate is not impacted by hydrocarbons, and has no other discernable contamination, ie, it is clean native soil. For the sections of pipeline that exist in the right~of~way (not on private land) do you know if we are required to containerize and remove this excavated soil, or are we allowed to reuse the soil as fill after demonstrating that there is no contamination?

Additionally, do you know if we are allowed to move the excavated soil to a second location and use as backfill? Is there specific guidance that you can point me to that lays out the rules/regulations for soil reuse?

Apologize for the slow response. I am presuming when you say "right-of-way" you mean County right-of-way. The answer to your question may be found in the permit "pulled" from Land Development Division's Encroachment Permits & Inspection Section for your work. With respect to movement and reuse of excavated soil for use as backfill at a second location, the County is hesitant to allow this as it may pose an unforeseen liability to the County. I'm not aware of any County specific guidance regarding rules/regulations for soil reuse for this situation.