Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is this City of LA method for soldier pile design something that the County would approve on projects in the County?

See below:


The City of LA has a specific method for soldier pile design as follows:

1. Find the depth to the 1.5 static factor of safety, without reinforcement, 1.0 factor of seismic factor of safety, if applicable. Soldier piles must reach "unreinforced" 1.5 static (and 1.0 seismic) factor of safety line depth.

2. Calculate design pile shear force that will result in a "reinforced" 1.5 static (1.0 seismic) factor of safety through any part of the proposed pile. This is the "reinforced" 1.5/1.0 factor of safety line.

3. Passive resistance may be taken at the "reinforced" 1.5/1.0 factor of safety line.

Is this City of LA method for soldier pile design something that the County would approve on projects in the County?

It appears the applicant is trying to stabilize a descending slope using soldier piles. If this is the case, the proposed development must possess factors of safety of 1.50 and 1.10 for static and seismic conditions, respectively. Additionally, the bottom of the piles must reach sufficient depths so that all piles meet the minimum slope setback requirements. The minimum slope setback distance is determined based on the most conservative of the following: 1) the horizontal distance between the slope face and the bottom of each pile, 2) the horizontal distance between the 1.50 factor of safety line (static condition) and the bottom of each pile, and 3) the horizontal distance between the 1.10 factor of safety line (seismic condition) and the bottom of each pile. If the slope is not surficially stable, additional setback distance will be required. The application of passive resistance will be based on the geotechnical consultant’s recommendations. Please see the Manual for the Preparation of Geotechnical Reports for additional information.